Польша: опыт вступления и участия в сельскохозяйственных соглашениях ВТО
Б. Е. Фрумкин
Largely the WTO membership has a positive impact on external economic links of polish agribusiness. It has contributed to a marked improvement of conditions for polish export of agricultural and food produce that is not subject to rate fixing and at least has not worsened the terms for principal rated goods. At the same time the terms of access of agricultural and food products to polish market have not changed greatly. Consequently within 1995 - 2001 polish agricultural and food export (despite of a temporary decline due to a financial crisis in Russia and the CIS-countries in 1998) becomes in 1.2 times as large (over US$ 3.0 billions) with the increase of import in 1.15 times (up to more than US$ 3.4 billions.). During the same period the cover ratio of agricultural and food import by export has grown from 85% to 89% with the decrease of a corresponding index for all polish external trade from 78% down to 71%.
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