Развитие открытости рыночной экономики Вьетнама и подготовка к вступлению в ВТО

Данг Тхи Хиеу Ла


One of the specific forms of the globalization consists in the development of the World Trade Organization (the WTO) including actually 144 countries. Almost all the countries of the globe shall supposedly joint the organization by 2005. When considering the matter more comprehensively we may see that the globalization has a great impact on the implementation of the "open door" policy and economic integration in nearly all the countries of the world and among them in Vietnam. Vietnam believes that an efficient utilization of the national potential in combination with the possibilities created by the world community is one the major principles of its foreign policy and a strategy of economic development of the country.

Полный текст:


DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1999-5636-2003-1-34-35


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