Современные аспекты развития системы сортового и семенного контроля сельскохозяйственных растений в Российской Федерации
А. М. Малько
Exceptionally important measures to raise the efficiency of seed inspectorates conducting the state supervision and oversight in the area of seed production are defined by the Russian Federation Government Resolution No. 1200, dated October 15, 1998 "On Approval of the Regulation Defining the Activities of State Inspectors, Responsible for Seed Production of Agricultural Plants and the Regulation on Variety and Seed Control of Agricultural Plants in the Russian Federation". In compliance with the above mentioned documents the state seed inspectorates of the Russian Federation, actually for the first time, as it is stipulated by the Law have been entrusted with the control functions, and special official posts of the state inspectors, responsible for seed production with full authorities, were introduced.
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