Состояние семеноводства и проблемы обеспечения качества оригинального, элитного и репродукционного семенного картофеля
Б. В. Анисимов
Based on the analysis of the available data of estimates and experts' appraisal regarding the real situation in regions, it seems evident, that of the total supply of seed potato (9 million tons), the amount of pre-elite (super-foundation, foundation) and elite seed potato makes up 1.8% (160,000 tons), including elite seed potato - 1.3% (120,000 tons). This supply of elite potato makes it possible to provide in average per year the output of super quality seeds (1 - 3 reproductions) about 2 million tons, and that will amount to 22% of the total supply of the seed potato used for planting by all types of agricultural enterprises.
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