Система классификации и схема сертификации семенного картофеля в России и странах ЕС
Н. В. Трофимов, В. И. Уланов, Т. П. Кокина, Б. В. Анисимов, Л. Н. Семенова
Analysis of the current procedure of seed potato control in the major regions of Russia shows that the main drawback of the national system, compared to the existing system of the European countries, lies in the fact that we actually do not take into consideration the so-called latent viral or bacterial infection, when assessing the seed potato of different categories and grades designated for marketing or use for the own needs of producers. As a result, the plants that were subject to viral infection during the vegetation period of the current year, start showing the symptoms of the disease in most cases only the next year, when the seeds have been already supplied to a customer, and he had planted them on his fields.
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