Использование маркеров на основе ДНК для идентификации генотипов картофеля
Д. Б. Дорохов, Т. П. Супрунова, А. М. Сеитова, А. В. Фортэ, А. С. Серова
Since the Law "On Seed Production" and the Law "On Protection of Selection Achievements" came into force, the methods of genome certification to identify gene types of agricultural plants have gained special importance. These methods should serve as a means to prove authenticity of the applied variety. Taking into consideration the world experience, as well as the experience accumulated in our country on the identification of the gene types of cultivated plants, we propose to introduce a special technique for identification and certification of potato varieties. This technique represents a variant of analysis based on the use of DNK markers that were obtained as a result of polymerase chain reaction with free primers (AP-PCR and ISSR) which had been optimized in order to increase the spectrum reproduction by means of vegetative DNK rapid excretion.
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