Инструментальное и техническое обеспечение процесса сертификации семенного картофеля
В. И. Старовойтов, Н. В. Донец
Diverse requirements of customers producing potato and potato products, as well as the lack of the uniform technique to separate tubers into fractions, lead to a priori methods of their implementation, moreover, to disregarding of any requirements, and this results not only to inferior quality of potato, but to its degeneration. Now it is necessary to work out urgently some general standards that will be of reference and practical significance. Some of these standards should be realized in simple patterns. The patterns will help the specialists and producers to accelerate the procedure of measuring the tuber parameters, in particular the required dimensions, including express-analysis. And this could improve the quality of potato, and as a whole, the technology of potato growing.
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