Молекулярная эпизоотология ящура в России и странах СНГ

А. В. Щербаков, В. Г. Андреев, В. В. Дрыгин, А. А. Гусев


The All-Russia Research Institute for Animal Health (ARRIAH) is recognized as the OIE Regional Reference Laboratory for Eastern European countries, Transcaucasian and Central Asiatic regions. The molecular epizootological studies of foot-and-mouth diseases have been conducted since 1989. All the epizootic FMDV-isolates obtained in the regions of former USSR during last 10 years have been described as well as the isolates in the seventies and the eighties, which are stored in virus collection of ARRIAH.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1999-5636-2002-2-8-11


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