Филогенетический анализ изолятов вируса инфекционного бронхита кур, выявленных в России

Ю. А. Бочков, А. В. Борисов, Л. О. Щербакова, В. В. Дрыгин


A comparative analysis of the nucleotide sequences has shown that at present IB virus isolates are circulating all over RF, which are believed to be those of the different genetic groups. Those isolates are suspected to be introduced with imported poultry or poultry products. Equally with Massachusetts group isolates revealed in 1970 - 1980 and isolates of European origin the variants are wide-spread being endemic for RF. That fact contributes to a complexity of the epizootic situation with IB in Russia.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1999-5636-2002-2-11-16


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