Серологический мониторинг птицехозяйств Российской Федерации по авиреовирусной инфекции и синовиальному микоплазмозу
А. И. Куприянов, И. А. Волкова, В. В. Шкиря, Н. С. Мудрак, В. Н. Ирза, В. В. Дрыгин, С. К. Старов
The data on the monitoring in RF poultry farms (1998 - 2001) are presented. The antibodies to avian reovirus and its wide-spreading were revealed, a trend was detected to worsen the epizootic situation with ARVI. The age risk groups were distinguished with proved to be most susceptible to the infection. Antibodies to the avian reovirus were shown to arise from 21 - 30 days age, whereas those to Mycoplasma synoviae - from 41 - 50 days age. An importance of vaccination against ARVI is noted in the protection against Mycoplasma synoviae .
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