Бактериальные виды и их структуры

Л. А. Ряпис, В. Д. Беляков


Postulate concerning to nosological separation of an infections disease was found to detect by a specifity of agent species, that formed in the infectious pathology, has made the main task a problem of species in pathogenic microorganisms. Two conceptions of species were made for organisms with sex mean of reproduction - populational biological and taxonomical. Up to date the being of the biological species in bacteria is neglected. A view on taxonomical species are revised many times. According to Belyakov V. D., populational biological and taxonomical approaches are summarized in the determination of bacteria species. The purpose of presented paper is to consider the pure and applied aspects in populational biological and taxonomical conception of bacteria species based on the new data concerning to genome organization and genetical structures of bacterial species.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1999-5636-2002-2-25-29


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