Биохимические и генетические аспекты патогенности лептоспир

Е. Г. Волина, Л. Е. Саруханова, П. Е. Шкарлат


The scientific data and the results of author's investigations are discussed concerning to the chemical composition, metabolism, enzymatic activities, as well as biological and genetic characteristics of Leptospira. Analysis of the results has revealed Leptospira genus heterogeneity. The current practice of Leptospira classification based on biological (where the main taxon is species), serological (where the main unit is serovar) and genetic (where the main point is DNA homology) principles should be considered as rather determinated. Three principles of classification are noted, mutually added each other on the present level of the knowledge on Leptospira nature.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1999-5636-2002-2-42-47


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