Маркированные вакцины и дискриминирующие тесты - основа программ искоренения болезни Ауески

О. С. Моренков, Ю. А. Собко


An eradication of Aujeszky's disease on a base of using the marked vaccines and discriminated tests was found to be at present the main road in many countries. Aujeszky's disease is first infections disease, the eradication of which became be based on using the marked virus strains. The marked vaccines against bovine infectious rhinotracheitis, classical swine fever and foot-and-mouth disease are available. The eradication of Aujeszky's disease can be considered as selected pattern which will allow to create the new strategic approaches to control other important infections in animal husbandry. The approaches are expected to control Other infections diseases in near future.

Полный текст:


DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1999-5636-2002-2-48-52


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