Проблемы защиты от актов биотерроризма в современных условиях
Б. В. Боев, В. М. Бондаренко, А. А. Воробьев, В. В. Макаров
The data are presented which can be used by the persons concerned to develop special aspects of protection against bioterrorism attacks with application of Antrax agent as one of the most dangerous mean of the biological weapon, as well as other most terrible agents. A description is given of a mathematic model of Antrax outbreak development process in case of mass using Antrax agent spores by the terrorists in form of aerosol with realization of aerogenic infection the unprotected human population in a city. Calculations have demonstrated that mathematical computer model of Antrax outbreak is the effective tool to evaluate predicted level of deaths and to select the measures on contractivities in case of bioterrorism attacks.
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