Изучение видового разнообразия овса с использованием RAPD-анализа

И. Н. Перчук, И. Г. Лоскутов, К. Окуно


Cluster analysis carried out on the basis of RAPD data has shown that various oat species can be classified by their genome composition and ploidy. The analysis of component composition has allowed determining DNA fragments that may be used as markers of A, B, and C genomes. It has been demonstrated that diploid species were the most polymorphous as compared with tetraploid and hexaploid oat species. On the basis of this study closely related samples with identical spectra have been isolated. It has been found that both diploid and tetraploid related species with similar genome structure are combined into individual clusters and groups testifying their taxonomic isolation. The results of this study support the classification system of Avena L. genus adopted in All-Russia Research Institute of Plant Growing (Rodionova et al., 1994) and amended lately by new data (Loskutov, 1999).

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1999-5636-2002-3-41-44


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