Системное картографирование земель с применением методов дистанционного зондирования и средств автоматизации

И. Ю. Левицкий, А. В. Донцов


Among many problems of cartography the following appears to be the principal ones that elevate the topical cartography to a new level of quality and practical value as applied to cartographic products of land resources' subject: improvement of the systemic approach's peculiarities and of simulation methods' peculiarities in cartographic surveys; elaboration of theoretic questions of the subject and contents of land resources maps and atlases; selection of mapping indicators and their grouping in cartographic products (in doing that land resources are considered as a complex system); introduction of computers, automation and aerospace materials obtained at long distances as well as introduction of most advanced technologies and technological solutions.

Полный текст:


DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1999-5636-2002-4-21-26


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