Особенности организации территории сельскохозяйственных предприятий на эродированных землях в Республике Мордовия
В. В. Пронин, М. М. Гераськин
Due to a scale of lands' erosion, character of relief and a whole range of other factors a specific way to counteract the erosion negative processes is employed. This work is based on assimilation of anti-erosion measures systems developed in designs of agricultural enterprises' internal land management. Solution of organizational and economic issues, i.e., definition of crop areas' structure, allocation of crop rotations including soils' protection crops with predominance of perennial grasses and norms for cattle grazing at pastures occupies an important place in these designs. A great attention is devoted to agricultural technological anti-erosion measures, i.e., land tilling across slopes with periodical soils' deepening, deep no mould-board cultivation of soils by flat soil cutters with stubble leaving on the field's surface, grain and row crops' sowing across slopes. A particular attention in the combination of anti-erosion measures is devoted to protective afforestation and construction of the simplest hydraulic works.