Организация и опыт работы полевых консультантов по оказанию услуг товаропроизводителям
Л. С. Колотов, Г. М. Демишкевич
From the very start the dominant feature of a field consultant should be a style of trustful, and further on, of friendly interrelationship with producers and their families. Information, obtained from farmers, is confidential and can not be disclosed. The field consultant can achieve success only if rural people we'll consider him to be a professional, not enforcing anything, but ready to help in resolution of any problem, even the one, not included in his direct competence. The field consultant should not aim at covering all the producers in the district. As the experience proves, many-year relationship and business contacts are possible only with 15 - 20 % of agricultural producers of a district. Therefore, interaction should be established, first of all, with those who have not lost their working and creative potential, who aim at increasing the enterprise profits through efficient work and possesses business initiative.
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