Итоги полувекового изучения и практического использования маральего корня в России и в сопредельных государствах

Б. А. Постников


The work aimed at introduction of Rhaponticum cartamoides (Willd.) from its wild form into a cultivated crop form was carried out along all phases and completed successfully. The genetic stock of the plant has been investigated and "Tyughouryukski", the first variety adapted to various regions of the Russian Federation and cultivated on big areas has been raised from the natural population while manufacturing of more than 100 various products and mass consumption goods from raw Rhaponticum cartamoides (Willd.) has been developed. The latter fact confirms the complex use of Rhaponticum cartamoides (Willd.) (i.e., use of pharmaceutical, nourishing, feeding, nectariferous, grease and oil, perfumery, decorative and horticultural potentials of the Rhaponticum cartamoides (Willd.)) is feasible.

Полный текст:


DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1999-5636-2001-6-5-20


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