Медико-биологические свойства концентрата топинамбура (сушеного) и опыт применения БАД на его основе в медицинской практике
В. Н. Зеленков
Promising prospects of Helianthus tuberosus L. concentrate use in auxiliary therapy concomitant to the generally accepted treatments of sugar diabetes, as a corrector of immunity in rehabilitation of children and adults susceptible to frequent and long illnesses and as an anti-inflammatory and regenerative factor in treatment of ulcers. Use of the Helianthus tuberosus L. concentrate in diets of people who suffer from heavy burns allowed to decrease quantity of blood transfusions twofold, to reduce the duration of patients staying in hospitals. It is demonstrated that the clinical effect begins to manifest itself since the second week from the start of the preparation application in hospital conditions.
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