Фармакологические свойства растений рода Amaranthus L

С. И. Кадошников, И. Г. Кадошникова, А. С. Галиуллина, И. А. Чернов


Though Amaranthus cruentus L. does not belong to pharmacopoeia of Russia, there are examples of its use as an antiphlogistic, hemostatic, diuretic, antibacterial remedy and for treatment of syphilis and cancer in traditional healing art of various countries. Among substances isolated from Amaranthus cruentus L. and endowed with biological activity one should mention vitamins, alkaloids, lipids, pigments, proteins, pectins, flavonoids, and compounds with diuretic activity.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1999-5636-2001-6-39-42


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