Углеводы семян амаранта
Е. Н. Офицеров, Э. Х. Офицерова
Potential of Amaranthus cruentus L. is exceptionally high. Depending on conditions of cultivation and strains' peculiarities Amaranthus cruentus L. is widely used as food, fodder, medical, technical; and decorative plant. Amaranthus cruentus L. exceeds traditional cereals by content of nutrients, proteins, fat, active substances in particular. Among the latter one should, first of all, mention alkaloids, lipids, pigments, flavanoids, compounds possessing diuretic activity. Vitamins isolated from Amaranthus cruentus L. are rutin, quercitin and provitamin A, i.e., beta-carotene. Seeds of the plant have a rich (up to 70%) content of starch which is unique by amounts and physical and chemical properties.
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