Роль ассоциативной азотфиксации в повышении продуктивности небобовых культур, биологической активности почв и их плодородия

И. А. Дегтярева, И. А. Чернов, П. В. Михеев


Increase of associative nitrogen fixation role in agricenoses by cultivation of nonleguminous plants within rhizosphere of which intense fixation of molecular nitrogen proceeds is not the only promising direction. Additional inoculation of seeds with effective strains of nitrogen fixing microorganisms is an equally promising venture. The material presented in the article allows a conclusion that biological nitrogen has a considerable significance for soils' potential fertility built-up while its accumulation reduces requirements in mineral fertilizers and, consequently, increases output of ecologically safe products.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1999-5636-2001-6-55-59


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