Стратегия ускорения интродукции новых культур при использовании регулируемой агроэкосистемы

А. А. Кочетов


Due to methodical approaches developed in the laboratory of photo-physiology and biophysics of the Agricultural Physics Research Institute peculiarities of Stevia rebaundiana Bertoni plant growth and development under wide variations of photo-parameters of environment as well as regimes of growing that permit to get the maximum vegetative mass of plants per a unit of area with the minimum input of energy were determined. Use of works performed by the Laboratory staff and aimed at obtaining promising forms of new agricultural varieties by the transgression recombination genesis method as well as of the regulated agricultural ecological system' possibilities for simulation of stress factors' effect on plants and plants cultivation all the year round allowed in 4 years not just carry out screening of more than 30 varieties of Oriental radishes for identification of varieties with a low sensitivity to the principal limiting factors of environment but obtain hybrids of the fourth generation. These hybrids approximate to the linear samples and enjoy comprehensive resilience to effects of the long polar day and low temperatures.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1999-5636-2001-6-60-62


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