Плоды черемухи и продукты их переработки

А. В. Анциферов


Two varieties of the bird cherry are the most suitable for cultivation for the purposes of foodstuff production: Padus avium Mill. and Padus virginiana (L.) Mill. Breeders paid their attention to these varieties fruits' high nourishing and medical, preventive value as early as in the beginning of the 20th century. Work was carried on at Bakchar station of the Northern horticultural farm (Tomsk region) and in the Central Siberian botanic garden of the Russian Academy of sciences Siberian section (Novosibirsk city). A rather big quantity of high productive, large-fruited strains of Padus avium Mill., Padus virginiana (L.) Mill. and the hybrid variety obtained in result of the first two strains hybridization have been grown up. The following strains are worthy of mentioning: "Rassvet", "Narym", "Taiga", "Zeienoplodnaya", "Granatovaya grozd'", "Pamyati Salamatova", "Rannyaya kruglaya", "Sakhalinskaya chemaya", "Sakhalinskaya ustoichivaya", "Chernyi blesk" and others. At the present time the work aimed at selection of bird cherry is going on. Many varieties have been already adapted to specific zones.

Полный текст:


DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1999-5636-2001-6-63-64


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