Плоды облепихи - ценнейший источник биологически активных веществ
И. К. Каранян
Analysis of Hippophae rhamnoides L. strain stock collected in the berries cultures selection department of the All-Russian Institute for horticultural studies (VNIIS) was carried on in Michurin State agricultural university's biochemical laboratory from 1996 to 2000. Content of dry substances, sugars, organic acids, carotene, fat, flavonols, and vitamin C in 10 strains of Hippophae rhamnoides L. has been determined. Research was aimed at determination of various Hippophae rhamnoides L. strains differences, identification of the best samples by individual characteristics and by a set of the best characteristics with the subsequent recommendation of strains for the state tests and further selection. Fruits, leaves and bark were examined in order to assess raw materials for pharmaceutical industry. Assessment of correlation relationship among values of vitamin C, carotene, raw fat contents in fruits, leaves and bark was done for development of early diagnostics and selection of hybridized seedlings according to these characteristics.
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