Продуктивность фотосинтеза листьев боярышника и особенности ее определения
Т. В. Жидехина, Т. В. Карпачева
Results of research works aimed at elaboration of comprehensive methods to determine productivity of photosynthesis in Crataegus oxyacantha L. leaves are presented. It is ascertained that fruits of the selected small-fruited varieties of hawthorn demonstrate a normal development provided the area of leaves is strongly restricted. Area of leaves restriction for large-fruited varieties of Crataegus oxyacantha L. brings about decrease of the average mass of a single fruit. It is ascertained that 10 to 14 cm2 of foliage area might be left for the purposes of determination of leaves' photosynthesis productivity in a single isolated branch of small-fruited varieties of Crataegus oxyacantha L.
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