Фотосинтетическая активность листьев жимолости в интенсивных насаждениях

Т. В. Жидехина


Morphophysiological parameters of Lonicera edulis varieties' productivity are determined. A positive correlation relationship between the volume of economic harvest and the net productivity of leaves photosynthesis and a negative relationship between productive xylem increment and coefficient of assimilates realization per a harvest. It is determined that productivity of photosynthesis in peripheral leaves of "Goluboye vereteno", "Lazurnaya" and "Sinyaya ptitsa" is, respectively, by 18; 38.6; 38.7% higher than that of the leaves growing inside a bush crown.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1999-5636-2001-6-70-72


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