Производство съедобных цветков — альтернатива мелкотоварным фермерским хозяйствам в условиях аграрного кризиса
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Литвинов С. С., Разин А. Ф., Иванова М. И. и др. Состояние, проблемы, перспективы и риски развития овощеводства России в условиях санкций / Картофель и овощи. 2016. № 2. С. 25 – 29.
Benvenuti S., Bortolotti E., Maggini R. Antioxidant power, anthocyanin content and organoleptic performance of edible flowers / Sci. Horticult. 2016. V. 199. P. 170 – 177.
Koone R., Harrington R. J., Gozzi M., McCarthy M. The role of acidity, sweetness, tannin and consumer knowledge on wine and food match perceptions / Wine Res. 2014. V. 25. P. 158 – 174.
Mlcek J., Rop O. Fresh edible flowers of ornamental plants: A new source of nutraceutical foods / Trends Food Sci. Technol. 2011. V. 22. P. 561 – 569.
Rop O., Mlcek J., Jurikova T., et al. Edible flowers: A new promising source of mineral elements in human nutrition / Molecules. 2012. V. 17. P. 6672 – 6683.
Beyer A. L., Lands S. C., Cantliffe D. J., et al. Squash grown in protected structures and marketed as specialty produce / Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 2013. V. 126. P. 112 – 117.
Litvinov S. S., Razin A. F., Ivanova M. I. i dr. Sostoyanie, problemy, perspektivy i riski razvitiya ovoshchevodstva Rossii v usloviyakh sanktsii [Condition, problems, prospects and risks of development of vegetable growing in the conditions of Russian sanctions] / Kartofel’ Ovoshchi. 2016. N 2. P. 25 – 29 [in Russian].
Benvenuti S., Bortolotti E., Maggini R. Antioxidant power, anthocyanin content and organoleptic performance of edible flowers / Sci. Horticult. 2016. V. 199. P. 170 – 177.
Koone R., Harrington R. J., Gozzi M., McCarthy M. The role of acidity, sweetness, tannin and consumer knowledge on wine and food match perceptions / Wine Res. 2014. V. 25. P. 158 – 174.
Mlcek J., Rop O. Fresh edible flowers of ornamental plants: A new source of nutraceutical foods / Trends Food Sci. Technol. 2011. V. 22. P. 561 – 569.
Rop O., Mlcek J., Jurikova T., et al. Edible flowers: A new promising source of mineral elements in human nutrition / Molecules. 2012. V. 17. P. 6672 – 6683.
Beyer A. L., Lands S. C., Cantliffe D. J., et al. Squash grown in protected structures and marketed as specialty produce / Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 2013. V. 126. P. 112 – 117.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1999-5636-2016-10-41-43
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