Оценка влияния некоторых факторов на воспроизводство телок голштинской породы
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Полный текст:
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Rykhlov A. S., Loschinin S. O., Filatova A. V., et al. Milk quality and its suitability for technological processing in cows with metritis / IOP Conf. Ser. Earth and Environmental Science, Michurinsk, April 12, 2021. — Michurinsk, 2021. P. 012101. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/845/1/012101.
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Filatova A. V., Bibaeva Yu. V., Kozlov S. V., et al. Functional state of the udder of cows after the treatment of the udder nipples with hygiene products during milking / BIO Web Conf. Int. Sci.-Pract. Conf., Tyumen, July 19 – 20, 2021. — Tyumen: EDP Sciences, 2021. P. 06035.
Rykhlov A. S., Avdeenko V. S., Pereryadkina S. P. The use of ultrasonography to determine the structural and functional state of the ovaries in donor cows / Genet. Razved. Zhivot. 2021. No. 1. P. 37 – 43. DOI: 10.31043/2410-2733-2021-1-37-43 [in Russian].
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1999-5636-2022-11-33-35
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